Call to Action

Support a Petition to Protect Bay Habitat!

A petition requesting that the Virginia Marine Resources Commission adopts regulations to protect Bay habitat from purse seine nets.

Current Status

  • Scoping

  • Development

  • Comment Period

  • Final Decision

  • Effective

Our Position on this Regulation

In Support

CCA Virginia supports the regulation of purse seine nets by the Virginia Marine Resources commission to limit the impact of Bay bottom habitat.

This petition requests that the VMRC implement regulations of the depth of these purse seine nets within the shallow waters of Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay and offshore waters to meet the purse seine net design criterion in order to provide no contact with the seabed in order to eliminate these issues. This could be implemented with a regulation such as “No Purse Seine net may be placed in any area of Virginia’s waters that is less than 5’ deeper that the depth of the actual net utilized.”

Take Action

Tell leaders of the Commonwealth of Virginia to better regulate purse seine gear in the Bay.
Deadline: 08/21/2023

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